Archive for Kellan Lutz

Eclipse, Drinking Games and Hotel Romping w/ a Volturi…

Posted in Eclipse, Events... with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 28, 2010 by awesometeenmag

Ok, not really, but I got your attention, didn’t I? Read on to find out what the fuss is about…

Today is the day! Today is the day! All that stands between me and an advanced screening of Eclipse is 8 1/2 hours. Yeesh that seems like an eternity right now. I am SO freaking excited. Obviously I won’t be able to post my feelings on the movie until later in the week, but in the meantime, a few random Twi-notes.

1. Last night I stayed up way too late re-reading Eclipse. I was on page 173 when I started and while I didn’t finish—eventually I just started re-reading scenes I’m looking forward to—I made a serious dent, which means I’m running on nothing but adrenaline (and a some delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee) today. Despite my lack of sleep I seriously cannot keep from bouncing in my chair, which I am sure my co-workers find totally normal.

2. Speaking of my co-workiers finding things totally normal, I brought the Edward doll to work today. Why? I don’t know. But I just felt like if ever there was a day to have him by my side—and look like a total psycho weirdo to those around me—today was the day! Right now, he’s overseeing product development. That Edward!

What a sick, masochistic knitted doll....

3. Saturday night, some friends and I hit up TwiNight for the New Moon screening. (NOTE: I do not condone open containers, underage drinking, drinking in public places that are not bars, or loud talking during Twi-films.) (ANOTHER NOTE: my friends and I ARE of age.) Now that that’s out of the way, I gotta level with you people: we made some delicious alcoholic concoctions and brought them in water bottles and enjoyed a rousing rendition of the New Moon Drinking Game under the stars. I have to say: I’ve never played my own game before. The Twilight game, yes, but I was much less Twi-Drinking Game savvy at the time and had yet to get rules from P-Fatch, so that one’s MUCH tamer than New Moon, which has over 20 rules. And I will tell you: that drink every time someone is wearing plaid rule is a killer! People wear plaid in that movie like people wear plaid on set in Vancouver! It’s crazy! Halfway through, the plaid rule became the most hysterical thing ever and our obnoxious laughter probably ruined the experience for some of the folks around us. That said, the ear-piercing screaming (mostly for Tay, interestingly enough…settle down, there, soccer moms, he’s jailbait) probably drowned out our obnoxious laughter.

Bella and the bottle: The New Moon Drinking Game.

4. And speaking of TwiNight, I had a little tete-a-tete with a certain member of the Volturi in a hotel suite before the screening. We all know that I am OBVIOUSLY Team Edward/Team Rob, with a certain sexual loyalty to Team Emmett/Team Kellan (especially dark-haired, non-bowlcut Team Kellan), but I have joined a new team: Team Felix/Team Daniel Cudmore. Holy effing nearly 7 feet of hotness. I went in there knowing he’d be attractive, but SWEET JESUS, I was not expecting the level of attractive my wondering eyes fell upon. Yeeesh. I mean. Yeeeeeeesh. And he couldn’t have been nicer! I’ll let you guys know when the full story is running in the paper and link you, after that I’ll be able to post our whole convo for you. I am almost scared to listen to my tape recorder because I know I spent way too much time giggling like a school girl and getting lost in the visible plains of his sculpted chest under his t-shirt. Sigh. Wait, what was I saying? Ah yes, super nice! We joked around a lot and he was really cute about the Eclipse Drinking Game rule question. He took it very seriously (as most cast members do. Seriously, I interview these people about real stuff and they fire off answers but when it comes to drinking game rules, they take their time.) He even put his head down on the table for some serious rule contemplation. In the end, he came up with a short and simple rule that he claims will have everyone on the floor very early in the film. I’ll post it along with the rest of the game this weekend after I’ve done my proper research. (Read: when I have seen the movie several times in a very short period.) And while I don’t often (ever?) post pics of myself on this site (anonymity is key when Twi-blogging), I feel the need to post the sheer hotness that is Dan Cudmore. Especially since I’m pretty sure my legit job will not. PS when I asked if we could take a pic together, he was super nice about it and even offered to hold the camera MySpace style AND posed us in front of the Eclipse poster in the room. I made some comment about with him holding the camera up we were going to look like giants (the man is 6’8″!) and he said, “did you just call me a giant?” I was like, “no, I mean, I did, but I didn’t mean it like that.” Awwwwwkward. But he laughed and was super nice. He also retook the picture a couple times because he kept not liking it, LOL. In the end I promised not to tag him in it. You know, like we’re friends on Facebook. Cause we could be, you never know. Also, in true A fashion, I dropped the cap to my water bottle as I was leaving. Since I was wearing a completely appropriate super-short dress and my highest wedges (to lessen the distance between our faces, natch) bending over to pick up the cap was a total loser moment. There was some bizarre squatting involved. Then he reached out to shake my hand and thank me and I shook his and said, “I have a cap in my hand.” Smooth, A.

It's like a prom pic. But without the formalwear!

Ok, so I’ll report back tomorrow with no actual information on Eclipse, just a regular old post that might mention how freaking awesome it is. Because we already know that much anyway. Ahhhhh!!! So excited!!!

The New Moon Drinking Game

Posted in F.AN.GS (Fun and Games) with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 3, 2009 by awesometeenmag


We’ve been blog mum on New Moon for two reasons: 1. we want you guys to make your own decisions and not be swayed by how we at ATWIM feel (it’s the best freaking movie ever!!!…oops, I’ve said to much), and 2. we’ve been so busy seeing it over and over again that there really hasn’t been time to write. (Did I mention how freaking awesome it is?? Seriously. SERIOUSLY! Per-fection.)

However, it has come time to post what we like to tell ourselves is the most anticipated New Moon-related item to hit the net since the debut of that weird girlie Jacob doll: ladies and gentlemen, may we present you…THE NEW MOON DRINKING GAME.

Now, due to the popularity of The Twilight Drinking Game, this one is a little different. Word got out about us and our mad drinking game-making skills, so a few cast members contacted us to help with rules of their own. (Rob and Kristen called, but K just kind of stammered through some long-winded rule and Rob spent the whole phone chat being self-depricating so we had to drop their submissions.) Fortunately, our friends Peter Facinelli, Edi Gathegi and Jamie Campbell Bower were there to lend a hand…and help each and every one of you get good and sloshed. 

First, our rules. I, Co-Creator A, went to see New Moon (for the third time) by myself with notebook in hand to come up with these rules, for you, our loving readers. I’m pretty sure the few other people in the theater at 2PM on a Wednesday thought I was crazy. And I am. CRAZY FOR THE NEW MOON DRINKING GAME!

*NOTE: We cannot be held responsible for anyone who gets in trouble playing or attempting to play the New Moon drinking game. Also, if you’re going to get wasted at the movie theater, be sure to bring a designated driver. We recommend someone responsible like Angela Webber. A Mike Newton type is a little too much of a gamble.*

That said, here’s how the game is played. Add your favorite alcoholic beverage to your reasonably priced (ahem) movie theater soda and keep your cup close at hand. (Once the film is on DVD, the game gets a lot more convenient.) Whenever one of the following things happens, you MUST drink. Note: some variations are designed for hardcore drinking game players only. Feel free to make your own variations to avoid puking like a “marshmallow.”


1. This is a pre-film rule: drink for every preview of a film about letters that stars Amanda Seyfried. Seriously. You’ll be drunk before the opening credits. (Though there really aren’t opening credits, are there?)

2. Drink whenever someone takes a picture. Bella, Alice, Angela, etc.

3. Ok, now this one could mean you get dragged out of the theater on a stretcher, but give it a shot (no pun intended): drink everytime there’s plaid on screen. This is for every separate piece of plaid. For instance, in the cafeteria, Mike is wearing plaid, but so are a few of the extras in the background. Drink for each. (If you really want to get crazy, drink for the plaid curtains in Bella’s house.)

4. Drink when Edward gets out of the Volvo at school and walks towards Bella looking like something out of a wet dream. (Seriously, no matter how many times I see the movie, I gasp audibly when I see him.)

5. Drink every time Emmett says something so goofy it’s hot. Which is every time he speaks.

6. Drink every time a line from Twilight is repeated. For instance, when Alice says, “it’s time” or when Bella tells Charlie to be careful and he says, ” always am.”

7. Drink every time a line that’s so random, dated or dumb that it rivals “spider monkey” is uttered. ie: When Jake calls Bella “loca” or when Bella asks Emmett not to “hate the truck.” Or when Jess says “homeboy could have been a psycho.” Or when Jake says “age is just a number, baby.” You get the idea.

8. Drink when you get dizzy from the spinning in the scene where Bella’s lying on the forest floor. (Cause you know you do. I actually have to look away. Alcohol should help that.)

9. Drink when you see Sam come to save Bella in wolf form…because he looks like an animatronic Snuffleupagus. Moments later, drink again when Sam, Harry Clearwater and Jake exchange a silent look that rivals those on an episode of The Hills. 

10. Drink for Jessica’s amazing zombie rant. We heart Anna Kendrick. 

11. In the scene where Bella falls off the motorcycle drink two times: once when Jake does his fancy maneuver to get off his own bike and then when he shamelessly removes his shirt. You knew we were gonna say that one, didn’t you?

12. Drink when Mike Newton says “gotta get that pwotein in thew” in his baby talk voice. 

13. Drink for the Burger King product placement in the movie theater scene. 

14. (This is a good one!) Drink every time Bella cock teases Jake and they almost kiss. Such a tease, Bells!

15. Drink whenever the wolf pack makes their weird greeting noise. “Oooohheeeeee!”

16. Drink every time someone other than Bella drives her truck.

17. Drink whenever someone speaks a language that’s not English, but no translation is offered. (ie: Jacob or the Volturi.)

18. Drink during the amazingly funny, awkward and creepy elevator scene in Italy. Genius!

19. Whether you love it or hate it, drink for Alice’s Breaking Dawn premonition. (We love it!)

20. Drink for every Cullen that votes yes. 

Ok, now that you’re good and tipsy, it’s time for the celeb rules. We’ll start with Peter Facinelli (who also kindly offered us a Twilight Drinking Game rule—complete with Rob anticdote). Peter said: “For New Moon, every time you see Carlisle in a scarf, you can drink. That would be basically every scene I’m in.” (Editor’s note: we’re counting the dickie he wears when he’s with the Volturi.) 

Next, Jamie Campbell Bower, who, BTW, thought the game was a fantastic idea. We’re also pretty sure he’d play with us any day of the week. And drink us under the table. His rule was: “Every time Dakota Fanning does something incredibly frightening, which is just about every scene she is in.”

And finally, Edi Gathegi, who took this game very seriously. He even changed his rule five minutes after giving us his initial idea. Here’s how the conversation went down: “If the rule was for my character, you’d be sober the whole time, so how about every time Taylor is shirtless in a frame. Not in a scene, in a frame. So if they cut to Taylor, then cut to Kristen, then cut back to Taylor, drink both times [he’s on screen].” A few minutes later after hearing Jamie’s idea, Edi changed his mind:

Edi: Mine promotes alcoholism, I want to change it. How about every time someone is shirtless? Not in frames, just in scenes. Every time you see pecs.

Jamie: Nipple?

Edi: No, just pecs. Man cleave. And that’s for everyone. Not just Taylor. 

So, ATWIM readers, you heard the man. Drink every time you see man cleavage. And that includes Laurent’s under his blazer. We think Edi would want it that way.

Love Letter to Letters to Twilight

Posted in Rant with tags , , , , , , , on August 17, 2009 by awesometeenmag

Good morning, Twi-hards! It’s been a while since our last post…turns out A isn’t as good at multi-tasking as she might have thought she’d be. Anyhoo, today we received the best motivation ever to be the best Twi-site we can be: our good friends at Letters to Twilight got the ultimate Twi-shout out. In her first post in months, Stephenie Meyer herself called out LTT and thanked UC and Moon for the laughs. Ummm, really? REALLY??? How freaking amazing is that?!!

Seriously. Let’s talk about this. THE Stephenie Meyer. The one who wrote Twilight. The one who dreamt of Edward and Bella and thus gave us all a reason to live and blog! THAT Stephenie Meyer called out LTT!! A was so excited when she read the post that she screamed. Loudly. (Sorry, neighbors!)

Because we at ATWIM wanna be just like LTT when we grow up (blog-wise…age-wise we’re already a wee bit past that possibility), we thought we’d compile a list of shout-outs we’d settle for. Kind of like, if the Queen of England shouted out LTT (as the queen is prone to do), we’d settle for a high-five from Prince Harry. Or even Charles. Ears and all…

1. Melissa Rosenberg, screenwriter, The Twilight Saga movies. She may not have written the concepts, but she does a damn good job of translating them to the big screen. (That “spider monkey” line wasn’t hers, so she remains in our good graces. Cathy Hardwicke on the other hand, well you know how we feel about her). We’re thinking maybe Mel would like to write our names into Breaking Dawn. Maybe some of those random vamps could get new names. We’d be happy with Zafrin-A and Senna-M. Ok that one was a stretch.

2.  Solomon Trimble, the exotic-looking but confused girl who thinks she’s Sam Uley. Ohh, Solomon. We feel your pain. You were namelessly cast in Twilight, decided you must be Sam Uley (though again, it’s never mentioned onscreen), and ran with it. A quick viewing of your IMDB profile shows that you’ve got nothing else on the books right now. Well, how about this: next time you’re out and about promoting your supposed appearance in Twilight or Quileute dance ceremonies or what have you, what say you throw us a mention? It could def increase your 15 minutes. If only on our site.


My sister, Sam.

My sister, Sam.



3. Seth Meyer, webmaster of to Steph. This wouldn’t have to be anything major. We know Seth’s a busy guy, what with updating the site and being the name-spiration for Seth Clearwater. But what about just a little mention? Something to the effect of “those girls from Awesome Twilight Musings need to stop emailing me about mentioning them on this site” would be fine by us. (PS A has a crush on SNL’s Seth Meyers, so if he mistakes this post to be about him, we’d be fine with that.)

4. 100 Monkeys. Though most of the time, we aren’t entirely sure what you’re singing, we like to think that if you threw the words “ATWIM,” “ATM,” “M” or “A” in one of those jumble-y songs of yours, we’d catch it. Just do something so we know to listen for it. Like make a crazy face or wear a crazy hat. Ohhhhh wait…


Dance, Monkey!

Dance, Monkey!

5. Kellan Lutz. Kellan, you know how much A loves you. You must. She talks about it enough. So help a sister out and give her a little name drop. We heard you had a meeting with Summit this weekend. Was it about those racy running photos? Perhaps you should issue a public apology, explaining that the reason you were so, um, visible, was because you were thinking of A. Or had left your boxer briefs on her bedroom floor that morning. Or, if you’d prefer to shout her out in a less public forum, a name-drop in the throes of passion would be fine. As long as she’s in the room to hear it.


Come and get it, A!

Come and get it, A!

Bitter, Party of 1

Posted in Cullen Cresting, Small Bites with tags , , , , on July 30, 2009 by awesometeenmag

So while all this Rachelle drama goes down, we’re keeping a low profile and watching the action from the sidelines. (Though A has seriously been so freaked out about the whole thing she had a Cathy cartoon moment and stress-ate her way through all three New Moon chocolates.) But, we saw this little gem on and had to weigh in. 

While attending an event in LA (with Kellan, TYVM), Nikki Reed was asked why girls went so crazy for her former paramour RPattz. Her response? “Rob is sort of feminine looking and I think young girls like boys that look like women.”

Ohhh, Nikki. You’re an actress! You gotta learn to hide your bitterness a little better than that! A back-handed compliment about him looking like a chick?? 

On the other hand, you do get creepily close with KStew on a regular basis. Maybe it wasn’t so much a back-handed compliment as it was the reason you were attracted to him in the first place. Hmmm??

Either way, Nikki was looking way skeletal in the face last night, which makes us think the fan complaints about her looks are getting to her. For the record, we don’t have a problem with you, Nikki. Just your wig.


Rachelle may have lost a role, but Nikki looks like she lost some lbs!

Rachelle may have lost a role, but Nikki looks like she lost some lbs!

PS We got this pic from Just Jared and will be happy to take it down if it breaks any rules to run it!

Con Man

Posted in Cullen Cresting, Forks Online, Small Bites, Twilight with tags , , on July 13, 2009 by awesometeenmag

Since it’s taking a while for A to go through her thoughts, photos, transcripts and notes from this weekend, we thought we’d post a little daily zen for you. Thus, please to enjoy, (a somewhat blurry) Kellan Lutz and his amazing dimples. (You’re welcome.)


We'd wrestle a grizzly bear for that face!

We'd wrestle a grizzly bear for that face!

Fri-Day, Twi-Day!

Posted in Cullen Cresting, Small Bites with tags , , , , , , on July 11, 2009 by awesometeenmag

There’s a new phrase for the Twi-ctionary! Hehe. Anyhoo, A here. Yesterday was the first day of the Atlanta Twi-Con (and boy are my arms tired! Wait…) I’ll do a big wrap up post on Monday, but a few highlights:

1. Peter Facinelli and Billy Burke were adorable. If my dad was that hot, I’d never let him out of the house! Or pray I was adopted. This is getting weird. 

2. Met a girl who follows Kellan Lutz all over the country and has pictures of the two of them together in her purse. As in, IN her purse. The purse is made from the pictures. Intense. Hope she doesn’t mind me hooking up with him tonigh (BURN, Purse Girl!!).

3. Met Joy from Pattinson Online. She’s super fun and was equally confused by the lack of press-related structure at the Convention. Not to mention, she kindly let me use her computer when I somehow managed to fill a 4G memory card with pictures of Billy Burke. The whole thing. Told ya he was hot. (Oh, PS, he totally did the halo gesture, which I did not realize was such a fan favorite, but the reaction from the crowd was Beatles-on-Ed Sullivan-esque!)


Can we get those digits?? No, really. Please?

Can we get those digits?? No, really. Please?



4. The costumes from the film travel with the convention (though I think they’re re-creations). Edward and Bella Mannequins stand in the exhibit. If you want your picture taken with them, it’ll cost ya $5. Did I mention they’re not real? Yeah.

5. The hosts of the weekend are the cast of the Hillywood Show. They do movie parodies and I have to say, they’re pretty darn good as Bella, Edward, Jasper and Alice. Everytime I see Edward out of the corner of my eye, I do a double take. Plus they’re almost always in character, so it gets a little erie watching them walk through the crowd holding hands and looking all twitterpated. 

6. Today is Kellan Lutz day! Somehow, I have to figure out a way to sleep with him. I mean, ask him important journalistic questions about war, poverty and the paparazzi. Now what would a gal wear for that?

More to come! Check our flickr site for a few quick uploads from Friday! And don’t forget to follow us @AwesomeTM on Twitter!


Peter Facinelli. Hey, friend!



Con Woman

Posted in Small Bites with tags , , , , , , on July 9, 2009 by awesometeenmag

Hey, Twi-hards! Co-Creator A here. I wanted to remind everyone that this weekend, in some crazy Kismet-like turn of events, I will be covering the Atlanta Twi-Con for Sunday Paper. This means I have legitimate press access to all the Twi-abetic fun! I am trying to decide if it’s best to Tweet my experience from my personal Twitter account and risk losing followers who have no interest in what Kellan Lutz is wearing (mmm, Kellan!) or if it’s better to Tweet from the ATM account and risk not exposing Twilight v-card carriers to what is arguably the most exciting pop culture phenomenon since High School Musical 2. (We kid—it’s way better than HSM2, obvs!) Anyhoo, it will probably be from @AwesomeTM, so be sure to log in and follow us so as not to miss any of the action! Also, if there’s anything you guys want me to be sure to shoot or ask (if given the chance), let me know! I’m getting excited!!!

Our Interview with a Vampire

Posted in Cullen Cresting, New Moon, Twilight with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 6, 2009 by awesometeenmag

For those of you who’ve been visiting family in Denali this holiday season, you might have missed our excitement as Co-Creator A got the chance to interview Peter Facinelli. The interview ran this weekend in Atlanta’s Sunday Paper, and you can see the digital version here. (Click on it a bunch of times to keep it one of the top stories this week!) 

The interview leads up to what could be A’s most exciting weekend ever: Twi-Con! The Twilight Convention starts Friday and will run through Sunday, bringing with it Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Ashley Greene, Billy Burke, and our good friend P-Fac. 

We’ll also post the rest of A’s P-Fac conversation transcript this afternoon. And click here to find out what rule he suggested we add to our Twilight Drinking Game!

Now if only we could figure out how to digitize the conversation that she tape recorded and post it…

BTW, in fun news, one of our favorite Twi-sites, Twilight Lexicon, quoted the Sunday Paper article! A was almost more excited about that than anything else. Almost. Afterall, Peter Facinelli called her at home. You can’t really top that. (Now, if Rob called…)


A snapped a pic of the cover mention...hi Rob!

A snapped a pic of the cover mention...hi Rob!

New EMO-on

Posted in New Moon with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 19, 2009 by awesometeenmag

As most of you know by now, dear reader(s), the official poster for New Moon has been released to the public. I, Co-Creator A—despite going to bed at 3am—set my alarm for 6:45 so I would be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the 7am release. (I settled for groggy and semi-functional.) What I saw when I clicked on Twi-site after Twi-site baffled me.

Ok, maybe baffled isn’t the right word. Afterall, I knew what the formula would be: one part sad Bella, one part angsty Edward, one part wolfy and protective Jacob. The one thing I didn’t take into account: the emo factor.

I realize that Kstew’s and Rpattz’s (and consequently all other cast members’) wardrobe choices probably have set a precedent for the saga’s overall feeling. They all love their skinny jeans and plaid flannels (the latter of which at least makes sense geographically) and they spend a lot of time listening to (and making) the angsty music that was a constant source of inspiration to Stephenie Meyer. But that poster? Really, Summit? It’s like an ad for Hot Topic!

Not only does Edward look ridiculously pale and sickly—not to mention he’s wearing more makeup than Lady GaGa on a performance day—he’s standing like a kid who would certainly be picked last for kickball (a shame given his awesome baseball skills). Jacob, in addition to looking way too angry for Jacob in most of that book/film, has red eyes (aren’t those reserved for vamps??) and rather than rocking his easily-tethered-to-his-ankle sweat pants, is wearing something straight out of Seth Cohen’s wardrobe. Also, his arm looks oddly harry. A reference, we can assume, to his wolfiness, but an unnecessary and overly literal one.

In fact Bella—and you know it takes a lot for me to say this—looks remarkably pretty (well done, retouchers! BURN, Stewart!), and is the most normal of the bunch!

Showcasing the three stars in all their emo glory makes us wonder: Will Emmett rock guy-liner a la Pete Wentz? Will Rosalie channel her inner hipster and trade in her designer labels for Jenny Humphry-esque Urban Outfitters frocks? And will Jasper look exactly like he did in his recent Nylon Magazine shoot?

Maybe it was the early wake up call, maybe it was the fact that I had a little too much wine the night before, or maybe it was my ridiculously high expectations, but this emo-tastic nonsense just didn’t do it for me. In fact, it makes ME want to run off to Italy. (And not just so I can sneak into RPattz and Kellan’s shared hotel room. Co-Creator A sandwich! You’re welcome RPattz and KLutz..)

What did you guys think of the poster??

Family Matters

Posted in Heavy Patting, New Moon, Rant, Twilight with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 28, 2009 by awesometeenmag

In what might prove to be a fatal mistake for the company Blackberry, we set our google alerts to tell us whenever something related to Twilight hit the web. We included such search criteria as Stephenie Meyer, Robert Pattinson, Bella Swan…even Forks, WA made the cut (did you know they’re rennovating Forks High School? We did.). Between all the email alerts clogging up our computer inbox and the beeping coming from our phones, it’s been a busy (and noisy) time around the ATWIM offices.

As obnoxious as all this might seem (moreso to our not-so-Twilight-friendly pals than to us), it has helped us realize we have a problem. (No, not that we’re too addicted to Twilight…that’s not possible, duh!) In fact, all this news flashing has proven to us that we like our Twilight facts, folks and figures contained. We like to keep it all in the (Cullen) family. For instance…

Yesterday, we received an email letting us know that Summit Entertainment has announced Rob Pattinson will star in “this generation’s Love Story,” a film called Remember Me, written by the heralded screenwriter of Rachel Getting Married. 

Sure, sure, this is great news for RPattz. He’s finally going to be more than just Edward Cullen…a Hollywood leading man in his own right. His career will benefit exponentially. But that’s just our problem. We don’t want him to be anything other than Edward. Don’t get us wrong, we love the guy and wish him all the success in the world, but only if it comes by delivering lines like “you are my life now.” If he takes the summer off to shoot this new film (which, thankfully, wraps in time for him to return to Vancouver to shoot Eclipse), we lose our Edward fix for three whole months! He will remove himself from his proverbial Edward suit to don a new persona with a questionable dialect and that just doesn’t sit well with us. 

We can’t stress this enough, we wish nothing but the best for the whole cast and crew of Twilight, but couldn’t they achieve that by sticking close to Forks? (Hell, even the Cullens found a way to stay there!) And you know you agree. Did you read Stephenie Meyer’s other book, The Host? We didn’t either. But we, like you, are on red alert (as is our Amazon account) waiting for the loooooooong-awaited release of The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide. Who wants to read about the other voices in SM’s head? Not us!

It’s this same logic that permits us to follow the oft-buzzed about love triangle between RPattz, Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart, but makes us scream into our pillows when we read about his rumored exploits with the likes of Paris Hilton and Natalie Portman. We like when the stars keep it in the family…it perpetuates the Twilight world we’ve created (and occasionally choose to live in) in our heads. We love that the cast goes out together. We love pics of KStew, Nikki and Taylor Lautner shopping together. We can’t get enough of the cast spottings at Jackson Rathbone’s band’s shows or Nikki’s BFF’s Dill’s concerts. And knowing that they were all hanging out together in their Canadian hotel rooms playing music and possibly Twittering  makes us happier than Edward on his wedding day…or Alice behind the wheel of her Porsche 911 Turbo! But then we had to go and read that Taylor might be dating Selena Gomez, who we needn’t remind you, has no role in anything Twilight-related. (In fact, she plays a wizard, not a vampire. Not even a werewolf!)

Is the solution to end our Google alert subscription? No way! Then we’d never know that Kellan Lutz likes to consider Rob his brother when filming their scenes together so he can properly portray their bond and that reading the never-published ‘Emmett and the Bear’ chapter of Twilight helped him understand the relationship. Is realizing that these are just actors portraying characters from a book the key? Heck no! We’d never have anything to talk about if we went and did something silly like that.

No, we think the answer is simple: the cast and crew of Twilight should accept the fact that they are and always will be just that. If only in our minds. 

Is that so much to ask? We didn’t think so.