Archive for New Moon Drinking Game

Eclipse, Drinking Games and Hotel Romping w/ a Volturi…

Posted in Eclipse, Events... with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 28, 2010 by awesometeenmag

Ok, not really, but I got your attention, didn’t I? Read on to find out what the fuss is about…

Today is the day! Today is the day! All that stands between me and an advanced screening of Eclipse is 8 1/2 hours. Yeesh that seems like an eternity right now. I am SO freaking excited. Obviously I won’t be able to post my feelings on the movie until later in the week, but in the meantime, a few random Twi-notes.

1. Last night I stayed up way too late re-reading Eclipse. I was on page 173 when I started and while I didn’t finish—eventually I just started re-reading scenes I’m looking forward to—I made a serious dent, which means I’m running on nothing but adrenaline (and a some delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee) today. Despite my lack of sleep I seriously cannot keep from bouncing in my chair, which I am sure my co-workers find totally normal.

2. Speaking of my co-workiers finding things totally normal, I brought the Edward doll to work today. Why? I don’t know. But I just felt like if ever there was a day to have him by my side—and look like a total psycho weirdo to those around me—today was the day! Right now, he’s overseeing product development. That Edward!

What a sick, masochistic knitted doll....

3. Saturday night, some friends and I hit up TwiNight for the New Moon screening. (NOTE: I do not condone open containers, underage drinking, drinking in public places that are not bars, or loud talking during Twi-films.) (ANOTHER NOTE: my friends and I ARE of age.) Now that that’s out of the way, I gotta level with you people: we made some delicious alcoholic concoctions and brought them in water bottles and enjoyed a rousing rendition of the New Moon Drinking Game under the stars. I have to say: I’ve never played my own game before. The Twilight game, yes, but I was much less Twi-Drinking Game savvy at the time and had yet to get rules from P-Fatch, so that one’s MUCH tamer than New Moon, which has over 20 rules. And I will tell you: that drink every time someone is wearing plaid rule is a killer! People wear plaid in that movie like people wear plaid on set in Vancouver! It’s crazy! Halfway through, the plaid rule became the most hysterical thing ever and our obnoxious laughter probably ruined the experience for some of the folks around us. That said, the ear-piercing screaming (mostly for Tay, interestingly enough…settle down, there, soccer moms, he’s jailbait) probably drowned out our obnoxious laughter.

Bella and the bottle: The New Moon Drinking Game.

4. And speaking of TwiNight, I had a little tete-a-tete with a certain member of the Volturi in a hotel suite before the screening. We all know that I am OBVIOUSLY Team Edward/Team Rob, with a certain sexual loyalty to Team Emmett/Team Kellan (especially dark-haired, non-bowlcut Team Kellan), but I have joined a new team: Team Felix/Team Daniel Cudmore. Holy effing nearly 7 feet of hotness. I went in there knowing he’d be attractive, but SWEET JESUS, I was not expecting the level of attractive my wondering eyes fell upon. Yeeesh. I mean. Yeeeeeeesh. And he couldn’t have been nicer! I’ll let you guys know when the full story is running in the paper and link you, after that I’ll be able to post our whole convo for you. I am almost scared to listen to my tape recorder because I know I spent way too much time giggling like a school girl and getting lost in the visible plains of his sculpted chest under his t-shirt. Sigh. Wait, what was I saying? Ah yes, super nice! We joked around a lot and he was really cute about the Eclipse Drinking Game rule question. He took it very seriously (as most cast members do. Seriously, I interview these people about real stuff and they fire off answers but when it comes to drinking game rules, they take their time.) He even put his head down on the table for some serious rule contemplation. In the end, he came up with a short and simple rule that he claims will have everyone on the floor very early in the film. I’ll post it along with the rest of the game this weekend after I’ve done my proper research. (Read: when I have seen the movie several times in a very short period.) And while I don’t often (ever?) post pics of myself on this site (anonymity is key when Twi-blogging), I feel the need to post the sheer hotness that is Dan Cudmore. Especially since I’m pretty sure my legit job will not. PS when I asked if we could take a pic together, he was super nice about it and even offered to hold the camera MySpace style AND posed us in front of the Eclipse poster in the room. I made some comment about with him holding the camera up we were going to look like giants (the man is 6’8″!) and he said, “did you just call me a giant?” I was like, “no, I mean, I did, but I didn’t mean it like that.” Awwwwwkward. But he laughed and was super nice. He also retook the picture a couple times because he kept not liking it, LOL. In the end I promised not to tag him in it. You know, like we’re friends on Facebook. Cause we could be, you never know. Also, in true A fashion, I dropped the cap to my water bottle as I was leaving. Since I was wearing a completely appropriate super-short dress and my highest wedges (to lessen the distance between our faces, natch) bending over to pick up the cap was a total loser moment. There was some bizarre squatting involved. Then he reached out to shake my hand and thank me and I shook his and said, “I have a cap in my hand.” Smooth, A.

It's like a prom pic. But without the formalwear!

Ok, so I’ll report back tomorrow with no actual information on Eclipse, just a regular old post that might mention how freaking awesome it is. Because we already know that much anyway. Ahhhhh!!! So excited!!!


Posted in Rant with tags , , , , , , , , on January 13, 2010 by awesometeenmag

(SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t read Breaking Dawn yet, don’t read this post.)

Is anyone else feeling totally Twi-bored? Seriously. This lag time between New Moon and Eclipse is a killer. Sure, we have the DVD to look forward to (in March? Please?), but outside of that, all we have is a slew of rumors about the future of Breaking Dawn.

Here’s our deal on Breaking Dawn: Why does it have to be so darn tough? Firstly, make it into two movies. Come on. If you can end New Moon with the up-in-the-air (no Anna Kendrick pun intended) moment, let me paint you a picture of the final scene in Breaking Dawn I: Bella goes into labor, we use camera angles to avoid the necessity of some kind of creepy horror movie baby coming out of her body. (We know KStew is awesome at the screaming in agony thing, let’s play it up. Give the gal her time to shine!) This allows the producers time to include the honeymoon (see next paragraph), the pregnancy and Jacob’s side of the story all in one convenient 2 hour and 20 minute package. Easy peasy.

As for the honeymoon. We’re gonna go ahead and call in a favor from Summit right now. We figure they owe us for all the money we’ve put in their pockets. (Not to mention the great ideas!) Please make Breaking Dawn I and II rated-R. We know what you’re thinking: but what about the tweens? Know what we say? Screw the tweens! They’ll sneak in! That’s what they like to do anyway! We need some seriously hot and heavy pillow-biting scenes. Not to mention, the vampire sex scene in what will become Breaking Dawn II. Don’t you DARE take that from me. DON’T. YOU. DARE. Seriously, it needs to be full-on hot and heavy vampire sex. And if it’s not, I’ll throw my shoe. Seriously. I will. Maybe both.

The final scene of the film will be Edward injecting the venom into Bella’s lifeless body and looking exhausted and frightened. Maybe we close on the sound of a crying baby. (I’m pretty good at this, huh? I was a film major.)

We open Breaking Dawn II as Bella is waking up and seeing the world as a vampire for the first time. This also gives us additional time to work out the CG nightmare that is Nessie. How would I handle Nessie? Glad you asked.

In the beginning, we get cute babies/toddlers (think Olsens, but cuter) to play baby Nessie. All the child has to know how to do is put her hand on people’s faces. That’s way easier than what they do with those talking babies on the E*Trade commercials! Then, as Nessie gets older, hire a precocious 6- or 7-year-old to play her. It’s been done. Look at Dakota Fanning…how do you think she got her start? (Note to producers: do NOT cast Noah Cyrus. I will not allow a Cyrus to ruin the franchise.) No crazy CG necessary. Just a little bit of movie magic and camera trickery. And if you do need CG, hire the guys who did the E*Trade commercials. Or the Evian ads with the skating babies!

All of this back and forth with will they or won’t they be able to make the film, one movie, two movies, blah blah blah…it’s unnecessary. And it’s taking time away from what I really want to be doing: repeatedly playing the New Moon Drinking Game, analyzing any and all possible Robsten sightings (PS did you guys see THIS?? I can’t imagine it’s anything other than a real-life Robsten sighting! Look at her hair!!), and counting down the days ’till Eclipse.

Ok, Summit, there you have it. Problems solved. Get to work. I don’t want this kind of lag time between Eclipse and BDI (and seriously, how awesome does that look on a poster?). Oh, and BTW, you’re welcome.